Application for :prime

:prime is the foundation program for the Universities in Bremen for international prospective students who need to visit a Studienkolleg. Language courses, (extra) curricular study foundation and - if applicable - the university entrance exam offer you a profound preparation for starting a study program at a university in the State of Bremen.



Please be aware of the different deadlines depending on your language level:

Applicants with B1 and the need to visit a Studienkolleg: Deadline is May 31 (cut-off period)  (for all BA degree courses) / Nov 30 (only for selected courses starting in summer term)

Applicants with C1 and the need to visit a Studienkolleg: Deadline is January 15 (for all BA degree courses) / July 15 (only for selected BA degree courses starting in summer term)

Please make sure to also fill in and upload the application for the university entrance exam (Antrag auf Zulassung zur Zugangsprüfung) by January 15 / July 15!


Applications handed in after the given dates cannot be accepted and will be postponed for the next possible entrance.


For those of you who already have a direct university entrance qualification and need to acheive the German C1 level plus joining for the (extra)curricular study preparation: Just fill in the following application form without any deadline.

Your application for the foundation course :prime

Important information

Documents you need for your application:

The so called VPD (Vorprüfungsdokumentation) from uni-assist. uni assist is an indipendent institution, that evaluates international school leaving certificates and - if applicable - university certificates.
Please be aware, that an evaluation can last up to 6 weeks and that you need this document in order to receive a unconditional admission.


A TestAS with at least a total result (standard core test + modul test) of 190 points (paper-based test) or 150 points (digital test).

If you are enrolled into C1 or already passed a C1 certificate and have to visit a "Studienkolleg" your subject-based foundation will start in March ( for all BA degree courses) or October (for BA study degree courses starting in summer term only). Please fill in the application for the university entrance exam (Antrag auf Zulassung zur Zugangsprüfung) and upload with on of the following C1 certificates:

TestDaF with16 or more points
DSH-2 or DSH-3
Deutsches Sprachdiplom DSD II
Goethe-Zertifikat C1 or C2
telc C1 Hochschule


We do not accept certificates from Language Pantheon.


In order to apply for this track you need to hand in the filled out form "Antrag zur Zugangsprüfung" (application for university entrance exam), sign it and upload the form with your application. Deadline is January 15th / July 15th! A grace period cannot be granted.


Please feel free to contact us for further questions:

Which is you highest degree so far?*
Which is your current language level?*
Higher secondary school qualification or latest school report*
Translation of school qualification in German or English.*
Highest German language certificate.*
TestAS certificate or confirmation of registration for TestAS*
Result of VPD from uni-assist or proof of VPD application*
Passport or ID*
Application for "Zugangsprüfung" (only if C1 certificate has been passed)
